Monday, 20 February 2012

Pie Chart results

The three pie charts seen are how we decided to analyse and display our results from the feedback forms. Using Microsoft Word we were able to create any chart of our choice using Microsoft Excel to process our calculations accurately forming each section of our pie chart.

Intended Audience
This formed one of our questions on the feedback form as we decided that for our desired genre to come across it would need to have a high age rating.
The majority of our focus group, 73% decided individually that it should be rated viewed by persons between the ages of 15-17 years. 18% decided that it should be viewed by the age group of 18-20 year olds and finally only 9% of the people we exhibited our trailer to wrote that it should be for persons between the ages of 10-14 years.
This is a positive outcome for our trailer as all the horror films we analysed for our extensive research  are all certificated either 15 or 18+ and our results showed that collectively 91% agreed with our intended audience group.
One of the feedback form did show that someone had in fact detailed that they believe the film was intended for a predominantly male audience. This proved to be interesting and perhaps one of the questions we should have included on the form. However due to its gory and violent connotations it would defiantly be viewed more by men than women.

Would they go and see our film if it were to be exhibited in cinema
This question was put at the end of our form, this allowed us to see overall how many were interested and drawn in by our trailer.
58% of the focus group said that they would go and see the film in the cinema whereas 17% said that they would not go and again 17% said that maybe they would see the film. Finally 8% decided t hat they were unsure whether to go and view the film.
Although it shows as almost to be 50:50 between yes and no we realised that the focus group we showed it to the majority were female. As seen in the previous results someone wrote that it was intended for a male audience therefore perhaps this is the reason why these results prove to be very equal and quite low.

What genre does the trailer portray
Another question we formed was for our focus group to tell us what genre they believe that our trailer fell into. This is obviously an important and critical question as our genre was a Zombie Horror trailer, therefore if we have created our trailer with the correct connotations and use of music, mise en scene, camera angles, props and make up our results would be positive and our trailer would be considerably authentic.
64% of our focus group agreed that the genre of our trailer is indeed Horror, this is a massive section of the pie chart which has a positive outcome. However it then goes on to 18% believed it was a Thriller and 18% agreed with the genre of Zombie. Overall these results are again positive as our intended genre has clearly come across within our trailer due to our extensive research and long process of experimentation work with shots and design. Looking back through the forms not one stood out to be anything different to the associated genre of horror.

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